Other Issues

Sen. Bam’s statement on the selling of DVDs of carnage of Fallen 44

Some people capitalizing and financially gaining on the misery inflicted on the Fallen 44 is unacceptable.

This move only relives the gruesome massacre that saddened millions of Filipinos and adds to the already burdened families of the victims.

I call on authorities to pursue and punish those behind the distribution and sale of these DVD and VCD.

Bam Aquino’s Statement on the Video Showing the Death of SAF 44

We strongly condemn the gruesome killing and barbaric atrocities done to our Special Action Force members in Mamasapano, Maguindanao.

In the strongest possible terms, we call on the MILF to surrender the combatants and submit them to the appropriate processes of our justice system.

Their leadership should also attend the ongoing Senate hearings and answer the difficult questions that plague our nation.

The road to peace must not set aside justice and accountability.

Bam Wants Safer, Secure Environment for 44M Online Pinoys

A senator wants to declare February 10 of each year as National Safer Internet Day in an effort to create a safe, secure and favorable online environment for more than 44 million Filipino users daily.

“While the Internet exposes the public to a wealth of information and varying perceptions, lack of safeguards and controls on the web has allowed for unregulated trade markets and cyber abuses,” Sen. Bam Aquino said in his Senate Bill No. 2637.

“Everyone needs to be involved in making our connectedness online safe and secure,” added Sen. Bam.

Through the celebration of National Safer Internet Day, Sen. Bam said the public would be reminded of “our responsibilities as patrons of the Internet.”

“We need to change our passwords from time to time, be more cautious with our online deals and transactions and put parental controls for children,” cited Sen. Bam.

According to the Terre des Hommes Netherlands Philippine Country Office, the Philippines now has 44 million internet users, majority of whom view social network sites 15 billion times every month.

The group also said the Philippines has 30 million Facebook users while more than 28 Million people are mobile Internet users. 

“It is also a venue to discuss the constantly changing landscape of the World Wide Web and discover how best to maximize the ever-expanding online realm,” Sen. Bam said.

Through the Internet, Sen. Bam said news is readily available to the public, disaster preparedness has improved and the business landscape has changed for the better.

“What’s more, the Internet is constantly growing and changing. We are only beginning to understand its implications and tap into its capabilities,” he added.

Sen. Bam has also probed on the slow and expensive Internet connection in the country.

According to ASEAN DNA, the Philippines (3.6 megabytes per second) lags behind Laos (4.0 Mbps), Indonesia (4.1 Mbps), Myanmar and Brunei (4.9 Mbps), Malaysia (5.5 Mbps) and Cambodia (5.7 Mbps).

Sen. Bam sees that E-Commerce will also empower online entrepreneurs who promote and sell their products on the Internet.

“E-Commerce could provide more opportunities for livelihood and earning, locally and globally. With Filipinos being online savvy, the world is our market and our opportunities are limitless,” he added.

Bam: Medal of Valor for Fallen 44

A senator has filed a resolution seeking to posthumously award the Medal of Valor to the 44 Special Action Force officers who sacrificed their lives in Mamasapano, Maguindanao, saying they should be commended for their exemplary courage and heroism.

“The 44 officers of the PNP-SAF fought valiantly and sacrificed their lives in the performance of their duty,” Senator Bam Aquino said in his Senate Resolution No. 1156.

Sen. Bam said the bravery of the 44 SAF members led to the killing of international terrorist Zulkipli Bin Hir, alias Abu Marwan, during an operation in Mamasapano, Maguindanao.

“Their lives were in the service to the Filipino people and our nation’s quest for peace,” added Sen. Bam.

However, the SAF team came under intense rebel fire from members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF), resulting in the death of 44 of its members.

According to the senator, Republic Act No. 9049 honors military heroes and affiliates for their supreme self-sacrifice and distinctive acts of heroism and gallantry by awarding the Medal of Valor.

“Their mission was accomplished and that the country became a safer place because of them,” Sen. Bam emphasized.

The Medal of Valor entitles the widower and/or dependents of the awardee to a lifetime monthly gratuity and precedence in employment in National Government Agencies (NGAs) or Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) among other benefits

“Through this recognition, it is our hope that the nation will never forget what they’ve died for and be an inspiration for our fellow Filipinos to continue serving our country,” Sen. Bam stressed.

Statement of Sen. Bam Aquino on the Encounter of the PNP-SAF with MILF

We deeply condole with the families of the Philippine National Police (PNP) officers who perished in Sunday’s clash with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Maguindanao.

The PNP leadership must ensure that the benefits of these fallen police officers will be provided to their families the soonest possible time.

At the same time, the PNP must launch a thorough investigation into the incident and find ways to avoid similar encounters in the future.

The lives of our police officers must not be compromised. Both parties must account for the lives lost.

We must not allow this tragedy to be an obstacle to our efforts for lasting peace in Mindanao.

Bam: BBL Should Be Pro-Poor, Pro-Business

Senator Bam Aquino calls on fellow lawmakers to focus on the provisions that will spur jobs and livelihood of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) to ensure that the growth it expected to bring to the region will be inclusive to all Mindanaoans.

“The BBL’s economic provisions must be thoroughly scrutinized to make sure that all Mindanaoans will truly benefit from the growth that they’ve been waiting for a long time,” said Sen. Bam, chairman of the Committee on Trade, Commerce and Entrepreneurship.

If enacted into law, the BBL is expected to usher in lasting peace in Mindanao with the creation of a Bangsamoro entity, led by officials of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Aside from peace and order, Sen. Bam believes that the BBL will boost economic activity in the region, resulting in more jobs and livelihood for the poor people in the region.

“With the anticipated development in the region’s peace and order, local and foreign investors will see Mindanao as the next best business destination due to its untapped potential, hardowrking and innovative citizenry and vast natural resources,” Sen. Bam said.

Sen. Bam said the influx of investors will lead to fresh jobs and livelihoods in the region, giving Mindanaoans a chance to provide for the needs of their families and get out of poverty.

“The opportunity for every Filipino to earn for themselves and for their families must be realized through the BBL,” Sen. Bam emphasized.

In addition, Sen. Bam said the BBL will hasten agricultural development and modernization and address the looming power supply problem in the region.

Senate President Franklin Drilon earlier announced that it will prioritize the passage of the BBL, on top of other economic-related bills.

Bam: Put Pope Francis’ Messages into Action

The best gift that Pinoys can give to Pope Francis is to put his messages into action.

Senator Bam Aquino issued this challenge, saying that it is now time to live out the words of the Holy Father during his five-day stay in the country.

“Putting the Pope’s messages about social justice, solidarity with the poor and love for the other person, into action is the best gift that we can give to Papa Kiko for inspiring us to become better persons and better citizens of this country,” Bam said.

During his homilies and preachings, Pope Francis appealed to government officials and the youth to help the poor and the marginalized.

The Holy Father also called on government officials to “reject every form of corruption which diverts resources from the poor.”

“The Pope’s visit must inspire us to eradicate graft and corruption in government. And this needs everyone’s cooperation, vigilance and faith to make the reforms happen,” Bam said.

Bam also calls on the government to focus on fighting poverty and providing employment and livelihood opportunities to the poor and marginalized to help uplift their living conditions.

“We must go beyond the common understanding of charity.  We must recognize the dignity of the poor by providing them the opportunity of earning for themselves and their families,” Bam said.

Meanwhile, the senator lauded devotees who attended the different Papal events for their discipline amid the challenging conditions.

“We laud our countrymen for their discipline, especially during the Holy Mass at the Quirino Grandstand. Your immeasurable devotion to the Holy Father and to the Catholic faith is commendable and as inspiring as well,” the senator said.

Photo source: President Aquino’s Official Facebook Page

Bam: Revisit Law Penalizing Erring Airline Companies

A senator emphasized the need to revisit Republic Act 776 or the Civil Aeronautics Act of the Philippines of 1952 to provide passengers adequate protection against erring airline companies.

“There is an urgent need to revisit this law because the situation is far different now compared to 63 years ago,” said Senator Bam Aquino, chairman of the Senate Committee on Trade, Commerce and Entrepreneurship.

“With more Filipinos now who are capable to travel by air to reach to their destination, let’s introduce necessary revisions to the law to make it more responsive to today’s needs and enable it to give enough protection to passengers,” the senator noted.

Aquino stressed the need to review the provisions of RA 776 on Violations and Penalties, where any carrier or person who violates or fails to comply with any provision of the Act, or any of the terms, conditions or limitations in a permit or amendment thereto or any orders, rules or regulations issued by the CAB shall be subject to a fine not exceeding five thousand pesos for each violation.

“It is unacceptable that some of our countrymen were delayed or weren’t able to go home to be with their families and friends during the Christmas season,” Aquino said.

This age-old provision was used as basis by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) in penalizing Cebu Pacific P52.1 million for delays and cancelled flights during the Christmas season. The fine was the largest ever imposed on an airline in Philippine aviation history.

“We also need to look at how to properly compensate our passengers, may it be rebooking, refunding or other forms that will be commensurate of the inconvenience they experienced,” Aquino stressed.

The CAB said Cebu Pacific violated its certificate of public convenience and necessity because of the delays and cancellations that affected 10,400 passengers from December 23 to 26, 2014.

“This incident will become a regular occurrence if the current law lacks the needed punch against erring airline companies,” the senator said.

The senator said that he would file a resolution on the proposed amendments to RA776 next week when the Senate session resumes.

“In the end, we would drive away air travelers, both foreign and local, if we make poor service the norm in our air transportation system,” the senator added.

Sen. Bam Pushes for Heavier Penalties for Crimes vs. Journalists

Senator Bam Aquino strongly condemned the killing of a tabloid reporter in Bataan and joined the world in denouncing the massacre of 12 people, including 10 journalists, in Paris, France.


“We strongly condemn the rash of violence against media, both here and abroad. These senseless killings have no place in a civilized and humane society and must be stopped,” said Aquino.


Aquino was referring to murder of 10 journalists working for Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical weekly newspaper, and two police officers in Paris, France recently.


The two perpetrators behind the murder were killed after a standoff while a third suspect surrendered to authorities.


Last week, Abante tabloid reporter Nerlita “Nerlie” Ledesma was gunned down by a riding-in-tandem in Bataan.


Authorities have arrested a suspect — a gun-for-hire — and are currently determining the motive behind Ledesma’s killing.


“We must ensure that the perpetrator and the brains behind the killing of Ledesma will be punished for their crime,” the senator said.


The senator said his office is exploring pushing for legislation that will increase penalties for violent crime against journalist.


“Journalists will continue to suffer if we will not show resolve in putting an end to this impunity immediately,” the senator said.



Aquino also urged the creation of a special court that will hear only crimes against journalists to fast track the resolution of the case and the dispensation of justice.

Showcase Filipino Spirit of Volunteerism during Papal Visit – Sen. Bam

Showcase the spirit of Filipino volunteerism during the visit of Pope Francis.


Senator Bam Aquino made this call to the Catholic faithful, saying all eyes will be on the Philippines during the five-day stay of the Holy Father from Jan. 15-19.


“With all eyes on the Philippines during this special occasion, let us showcase the spirit of volunteerism while we celebrate the presence of the Holy Father and fulfill our devotion to the Catholic faith,” said Aquino.


The senator said that Filipinos can help in many ways by volunteering in different activities during the Papal visit, especially in health services, cleanliness and maintenance of peace and order.


“With some Manila policemen and MMDA officers still tired from the feast of the Black Nazarene, the public can help them by being extra vigilant against any danger that may arise,” the senator said.


“Citizens can also volunteer in their small little way by bringing extra food and water for policemen and other volunteers during the Pope’s visit,” Aquino stressed.


Also, Aquino urged the Catholic faithful to exercise utmost discipline during public events that will be attended by Pope Francis.


Pope Francis will attend several public activities in different parts of the country, such as the Meeting with the Families at the Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay City on January 16.


The next day, the Pope travels to Leyte where he will have lunch with some of the survivors of Typhoon Yolanda at Archbishop’s Residence in Palo and attend the blessing of the Pope Francis Center for the Poor.


On January 18, the Pope will meet with different religious leaders and the youth at the University of Santo Tomas and celebrate Holy Mass at Rizal Park.


“Let us do our share in keeping peace and order by exercising utmost discipline during these events and fully cooperating with the security measures laid down by authorities,” the senator said


The senator also echoed the earlier call by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to devotees to wear proper clothes during the Pope’s public events.

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