Other Issues

Tighten Security Measures – Sen. Bam to Bus Companies

Senator Bam Aquino urges city and provincial bus companies to implement tighter security measures following the bus bombing in Bukidnon that killed 11 people and wounded 21 others.


“Security measures need to be tightened, especially with the expected influx of people who will travel to the provinces this Christmas season,” said Aquino, chairman of the Senate Committee on Trade, Commerce and Entrepreneurship


The recent bus explosion occurred last Tuesday in Barangay Mus-wan in Maramag town in Bukidnon. The explosion occurred across Central Mindanao University, at a time when students were going home


Authorities are looking into terrorism or extortion as possible motives behind the bombin.


“Be it an act of terrorism or extortion, we should be alert and vigilant at all times because the lives of passengers are at stake here,” Aquino stressed


At the same time, Aquino calls on bus companies must ensure that their buses are in good running condition before allowing them to travel


“Operators have the responsibility to ensure safe travel for commuters. So it is practical for them to ensure that their vehicles are roadworthy before they leave,” Aquino emphasized.


Aside from this, Aquino said operators should check the condition of their drivers if they physically and mentally fit to drive.


“Government agencies and private operators have to work side by side to ensure safe travels for many Filipinos who rely on mass transportation,” Aquino said.



Sen. Bam lauds NHA, DOH for settling PCMC land dispute

All’s well that ends well.

 Senator Bam Aquino lauded the Department of Health and the National Housing Authority for settling their dispute over the land presently occupied by the Philippine Children’s Medical Center (PCMC).

“We would like to thank Secretary Janette Garin of the DOH and NHA administrator Chito Cruz for working together and coming up with a solution,” Aquino said during the hearing of the Senate Committee on Health on the land dispute.

“Officials and employees of PCMC have nothing to worry because the land that they’ve been occupying for decades will finally be theirs,” added Aquino.

During the hearing, the DOH and the NHA informed the committee that they will sign a memorandum of agreement to settle the ownership dispute.

Under the MOA, the DOH will pay NHA an initial P500 million from its 2015 budget for the land. The remaining P400 million will be paid from the agency’s 2016 budget.

The NHA, for its part, will convey the title of the land occupied by the PCMC to the DOH. The housing agency also requested the DOH to implement the 2003 valuation of the land.

“This is an early Christmas gift to the thousands of Filipino children who enjoy free and quality medical service from PCMC,” Aquino added.

Also, Aquino also revealed that the PCMC will receive a total budget of P1.226 billion, P500 million of which will be allocated for the payment of the land.

Aquino said P400 million will be used for the upgrading of the hospital building and P326 million for new equipment and new hospital wing.

Sen. Bam Eyes Best Practices to Prepare for Calamities, Disasters

With the improved performance of government, private sector and non-government organizations in preparation for super typhoon Ruby, a lawmaker wants to institutionalize best practices and effective tools to ensure readiness for future calamities and disasters.

“We should be learning not only from our mistakes but also from a job well done. We must do it by institutionalizing the best practices and tools implemented by government, LGUs and private sector to prepare for future disasters,” Aquino said.

A lawmaker is calling for an inquiry to assess the impact of government’s action to determine best practices and effective tools used in mitigating the effects of super typhoon Ruby to ensure readiness for future calamities and disasters.

In his Senate Resolution 1063, Senator Bam Aquino stressed the need to assess the impact of government’s actions to determine best practices and effective tools used in the disaster risk and reduction programs of local government units (LGUs).

“The country’s experience with typhoon Ruby (Hagupit) has become key opportunities for learning and for improving disaster preparedness coordination, strategies and practices,” Aquino explained.

“Despite the Filipinos’ vulnerability to typhoons, these experiences demonstrate how the government together with the private sector and the communities stricken by calamities can effectively prepare for and mitigate the adverse effects of disasters,” the senator added.

The inquiry will look into the enhanced inter-agency coordination mechanisms of the national government and the pro-active response of LGUs and private sector on disaster preparedness and mitigation in the country.

“The national government should also be able to identify the appropriate and useful strategies for inter-agency coordination in building community awareness, disaster preparedness planning, and ensuring quick response to help ensure readiness of communities for future disasters,” he added.

Aquino noted that proper coordination among national government agencies, LGUs and private sector contributed to the notable decrease in the number of casualties and loss of property compared to last year’s typhoon Yolanda.

As of latest count, Typhoon Ruby claimed 19 lives and damaged more than P3 billion worth of properties. Typhoon Yolanda, for its part, killed 6,092 people and damaged P36.62 billion worth of properties.

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNIDSDR) was impressed with the Philippines’ preparations for typhoon Ruby, which involved the pre-emptive evacuation of at least one million Filipinos in the typhoon’s path.

In addition, the ASEAN Secretary-General Le Luong Minh commended the country “for its early warning efforts and disaster preparedness plans, which mitigated losses and damages.”

Charge those Behind the Special Treatment of Prisoners – Sen. Bam

“Heads must roll, including those of top prison officials, for making a mockery of the country’s justice system.”

Senator Bam Aquino made this pronouncement as he called on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to ensure that all those behind the entry of luxurious items, cash and illegal drugs and the special treatment of prisoners at the national penitentiary will be punished.

“With or without their knowledge, top prison officials are still responsible for the presence of contraband and perks given to special inmates inside the prison cells,” Aquino stressed.

“Those accountable officials must be removed for this revelation that severely puts into question our country’s penal and justice system,” he added.

Aquino said the special treatment given to prisoners is unacceptable and unfair, saying they should be serving the punishment for their crimes against society.

“Isn’t it shameful that the system that is supposed to mete out justice mirrors how unjust our society is?  The prisoners who have the money can go around the law and enjoy perks inside the prisons, while the prisoners who are poor endure the worst,” the senator said.

Aquino also lauded Justice Secretary Leila De Lima for her determined effort to reform the country’s prison system.

However, the senator said De Lima’s efforts should not only focus on the NBP but also in other prisons under the Bureau of Corrections and the DOJ.

Aside from the NBP, other prison facilities under the DOJ are Correctional Institution for Women, Davao Prison and Penal Farm, Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm, San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm, Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm and the Leyte Regional Prison.

The senator also called for the immediate implementation of Republic Act 10575 or the Bureau of Corrections Act of 2013 to modernize and professionalize the country’s prison system, as the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) have been signed already.

Help Save Lives thru Social Media – Sen. Bam

As Metro Manila anticipates the strong landfall of Typhoon Ruby tonight, Senator Bam Aquino encourages netizens to use social media in mitigating disasters such as typhoons and other occurrences where many lives are at stake.



“Let us use social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to aid in the efforts of rescue, relief and rehabilitation efforts during calamities such as typhoons, earthquakes and armed conflicts,” said Aquino.



“We can harness the vast power of social media and the Internet to help save lives of fellow Filipinos who are in danger during calamities and other incidents,” the senator emphasized.



Aquino said netizens play a big role during calamities as they can help disseminate relevant news to others though social media, using the right hashtags to get the messages across.



“Let us share relevant information to our social media circles – storm signal warnings, emergency tips, monitoring of rescue operations, and call for volunteers for relief operations,” Aquino added.



“With the advanced technology that we have such as Internet-capable smartphones and cameras, we can play a big part in saving lives during these challenging times for our people,” the senator stressed.



Aquino also urges netizens to follow important agencies like Department of Social Welfare and Development, Philippine National Police, NDRRMC, PAGASA/DOST and news agencies on Twitter and Facebook for important updates during calamities.



Earlier, Aquino encouraged netizens to be more actively involved in the government’s campaign against illegal activities, saying social media has a key role in preventing and solving crimes.



“We can use the Internet in meaningful activities like helping the government in its quest to lessen, if not completely eradicate, crimes in our society,” the senator said.



Aquino said the arrest of policemen involved in the daring daytime robbery along EDSA would not have been possible if not for the brave netizen who posted the photo online.



Social media has been a good source of worthy causes, such as the finding of missing persons, reporting of unlawful incidents, lauding local heroism, and fund raising and volunteer recruitment for socio-civic projects.

Ensure Supply of Food, Medicine, Goods in Areas Threatened by Hagupit – Sen. Bam

Senator Bam Aquino calls on concerned government agencies to ensure adequate supply of food, medicine and other goods in areas that will be directly affected by Typhoon Ruby (international name Hagupit).

“We need to ensure that there’s enough supply of food, medicine and  other important basic goods in areas that will be hit by the super typhoon,” said Aquino, chairman of the Senate Committee on Trade, Commerce and Entrepreneurship.

Aside from ensuring enough supply, Aquino called on the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and local government units to strictly monitor prices of goods as some businesses may take advantage of the situation.

“Ensuring supply and prices of food and other basic goods will prevent unscrupulous traders from taking advantage of the situation after the storm,” added Aquino.

In addition, Aquino urged the Department of Public Works and Highways to prepare contingency measures to ensure that important routes are passable after the storm.

“We need to ensure that roads and bridges are passable so that the flow of basic goods to areas hit by the typhoon will not be hampered,” said Aquino.

In most cases, the senator said prices of basic products in areas devastated by typhoons and other calamities increase because of supply problems.

“People need to get back on their feet quickly and businesses need to open so that goods will be available to those affected by the typhoon,” added Aquino.

According to PAGASA, Typhoon Hagupit may make landfall over Samar Saturday morning.

PAGASA said Ruby is packing maximum winds of 195 kilometers per hour near the center and gustiness of up to 230 kilometer per hour.

Sen. Bam Lauds Government’s Efforts to Thresh out Uber Issue

Senator Bam Aquino has lauded the joint efforts of the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) and Uber operators to thresh out regulation issues and work for the welfare of the commuting public.

“As I always say, if we work together, we can do things that will alleviate the plight of the public, especially the commuters,” said Aquino, chairman of the Senate Committee on Trade, Commerce and Entrepreneurship.

Aquino also welcomed the DOTC’s move to reach out to uber operators, saying the government must support innovation and new technology that will beef up its current programs.

“Instead of curtailing them, the government should welcome alternative and new ideas from the private sector as they can help reinforce existing initiative to solve traffic woes,” the senator said.

Earlier, the DOTC, Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board and uber operators discussed ways to iron out issues regarding existing franchising rules that hamper the latter’s operation.

“We need to support innovative start-up ideas in solving our age-old problems such as the safety and order of our commuting public,” Aquino added.

During the meeting, the LTFRB proposed several moves that will update applicable rules in order to accommodate uber vehicles.

Uber operators, for their part, will work on improving their safety measures, passenger insurance and safety inspection to ensure roadworthiness of their vehicles.

Uber is a high-tech transportation network that makes mobile apps that connect passengers with drivers of private vehicles for hire and car-pooling services. The company arranges pickups wherein cars are reserved by sending a text message or by using a mobile app and within 10 minutes the vehicle would arrive

The uber system helps alleviate the monstrous traffic problems in California, especially through car-pooling.

“The government needs all the help it can get, especially from the private sector, as it continues to find ways to improve the country’s mass transport system and solve the perennial traffic problem,” the senator said.

Implement Salary Grade 15 for Entry-Level Public Nurses – Sen. Bam to DBM

Senator Bam Aquino has asked the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to fully implement the law which provides salary grade 15 to entry-level government nurses.

“The DBM should provide the necessary funding so that the salary grade 15 mandated by law for entry-level government nurses must be fulfilled,” Aquino said during the hearing of the Committee on Civil Service and Government Reorganization.

 According to latest data from the Department of Health (DOH), approximately P450 million is needed to fully implement the salary mandated by Republic Act No. 9173 or The Philippine Nursing Act of 2002.

When asked by Aquino on why RA 9173 is not being implemented, DOH Undersecretary Teodoro Herbosa blamed the lack of funding from the DBM for its failure.

The DBM, for its part, admitted that DOH has already created nursing positions starting at salary grade 15.

However, the DBM said it cannot implement the salary grade adjustment because it will ruin the hierarchal relationship with other medical and allied positions.

“We seek that the law be fully implemented and give the nurses their proper compensation,” Aquino stressed.

“This is the budget season. This is the best time to talk about it so the law can be funded,” Aquino stressed.

Implement Land Swap to Retain Children’s Hospital – Sen. Bam

Senator Bam Aquino urged the National Housing Authority (NHA) to implement the land swap with the Department of Health (DOH) to resolve the ownership issue on the property occupied by the Philippine Children Medical Center (PCMC).

In 1992, the DOH agreed to swap its 5.9-hectare Cebu property for NHA’s Quezon City 6.4-hectare land where the PCMC currently stands.

However, Aquino said the agreement was realized only on one side because the NHA obtained and distributed the Cebu property through socialized housing while ownership of the Quezon City land was not transferred to the DOH.

“You already have the Cebu property. Would you agree to do a valuation and do the swap now?” Aquino told NHA officials, led by general manager Chito Cruz, during the hearing of the Senate Committee on Health on the issue.

Aquino also disputed NHA’s claim that the agency was just instructed by then-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to implement the socialized housing project in Cebu.

“When you disposed of that land to your constituents, you weren’t doing it for DOH. You were doing it as your land,” Aquino emphasized.

The senator also said that even President Arroyo’s 2001 memorandum acknowledged the property swap between the DOH and the NHA.

Cruz said the NHA is willing to convey the property to the DOH only if the Department of Justice (DOJ) declares that there is a consummated swap through a legal opinion.

Aquino also got a commitment from the DOJ to resolve the legal side of the issue by next month.

“Let’s make this an early Christmas gift, not just for officials and employees of PCMC, but to all poor Filipino children who enjoy quality free health services,” the senator said.

Earlier, Aquino filed Senate Resolution 266 calling on concerned government agencies to work collaboratively to resolve the PCMC issue.

“Let us set aside other issues and think of the welfare of thousands of poor Filipinos who rely on PCMC for their children’s health,” the senator added.


Sen. Bam to LTFRB: Embrace innovation, support start ups

The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) must embrace innovation and provide some leeway to transport start ups, which provide safe and affordable means of transportation to the commuting public.

“The government should encourage innovation, not curtail it. The LTFRB must give these transport start ups some leeway as we review current laws on franchising,” said Senator Bam Aquino, chairman of the Senate committee on Trade, Commerce and Entrepreneurship

Aquino said the LTFRB can provide these transport start ups, such as Uber, Tripid, GrabTaxi and EasyTaxi, some leeway, the same way it provided provisional authority to cargo trucks and new buses to ply their routes

“The government needs all the help it can get, especially from the private sector, as it continues to find ways to improve the country’s mass transport system and solve the perennial traffic problem,” the senator said.

Aquino describes Uber as an innovation as it provides commuters with a safer mode of transportation and quality service at the same time.

Uber is a high-tech transportation network that makes mobile apps that connect passengers with drivers of private vehicles for hire and car-pooling services. The company arranges pickups wherein cars are reserved by sending a text message or by using a mobile app and within 10 minutes the vehicle would arrive

The uber system helps alleviate the monstrous traffic problems in California, especially through car-pooling.

“The government should not hold back innovations that alleviate the plight of our commuting public,” the senator said.

 A staunch supporter of start up businesses, Aquino has filed a measure granting them tax exemption from operations for two years.

Aquino said Senate Bill 2217, also known as the Start-Up Business Bill, would provide these enterprises the proper time to stand on their own as they try to create a niche in the market.

“The intervention provides the opportunity for these start-ups to get organized, establish their business operations and market base,” said Aquino.

The measure proposes a tax exemption from operations for two years, given that these enterprises are not an affiliate, a subsidiary or a franchise of any existing company.

Also, these start-ups must not have any other existing registered company in case of a sole proprietorship.

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